Ter Waele 
Max vom Tuernleberg Manouman 
KameradenLinks Vom Letzen Krieger Rottweilers
 Vom Hause Neubrand  von der Wilden maus
Donnerberg Logovon der herash
Allgemein Rottweilers  
Dogzonline Dogs4sale
Paw Village  
Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub

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IFR-International Federation of Rottweiler Friends
NRCA Logo 
National Rottweiler Council  (Australia)
Rottweiler Club Vic 
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Australian United Schutzhund Clubs

Email:  Secretary
Dogs VicFrabo
Barf AustraliaBarf world
 Vit CMonash Vet logo
GreenpetVet n Pet
Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog & Cat
Julliette of The Herbs Natural Animal Rearing
What`s Really in Pet Food
Long Term Health Effects of Spay Neuter in Dogs
Grey Muzzle Tour - Rottweiler Longevity Research
RSPCA Admit to Spaying and Castrating Puppies ( Neutering) AT SIX WEEKS OLD
Dangers of Spaying and Castration (Neutering)
Exploring mechanisms of sex differences in longevity:
lifetime ovary exposure and exceptional longevity in dogs
Study in dogs reveals ovaries' role in longevity
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